KwikDraw Tubes

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KwikDraw detector Tubes formerly known as MSA/AUER detector tubes are a reliable method of testing more than 200 hazardous gases and vapors. A sample is drawn by connecting the detector tube to a special bellows-type pump that draws a known volume of air with each stroke. The Sensing Chemical in detector tubes will change color if target gas is present in the sample air. The length of this discoloration indicates the concentration of the hazardous gas or Vapour and can be measured by a printed scale on most of the tubes.

KwikDraw Detector Tubes are pre-calibrated and provide quick, economical monitoring for wide range of various Toxic and Hazardous gases. The Kwikdraw Deluxe pump and Gas Tester II offer automatic stoke counter with unique end of stroke indicator.

Gas name: A
Substance Standard Range Extended Range  Tube Name Ordering Code Data Sheet MSDS
Acetaldehyde 5-50 Formaldehyde-0.1 D5086813
Acetic Acid 5-80 1-80 Acetic Acid-1 D5086821
Acetylene 400-8300 CO-0.1% D5085822
Acetone 100-10000 Acetone-100 D5086829
Acetone 25-3500 MEK-50 D5086837
Acrolein 0.1-10 Acrolein-0.1 10017882
Acrylonitrile 0.5-30 Acrylonitrile-0.5 10016376
Alcohols 100-6000 Ethanol-100 D5086818
Amines 5-30 Triethyl Amine-5 D5086816
Ammonia 0.25-3 NH3-0.25 D7086893
Ammonia 100-600 2-600 NH3-2 D5085845
Ammonia 20-600 2-600 NH3-2 RH D7085845
Ammonia 20-1000 NH3-20 D5085814
Ammonia 100-2000 NH3-100 D5086859
Ammonia 0.5-10% 0.1-10% NH3-0.1% D5085815
Ammonia Warning Marks NH3-A D5085755
Ammonia 20-1000 NH3-20 ( 200 tubes) D5085914
Ammonia 0.25-3 Triethyl Amine-5 D5086816
Arsine 0.05-1 Arsine-0.05 10072098
Gas name: B
Substance Standard Range Extended Range  Tube Name Ordering Code Data Sheet MSDS
Benzene 0.5-10( 5 sets) 0.25-10( 5 sets) Benzene-0.25 [specific] D5086852
Benzene 2.5-10( 10 Tests) 0.25-10( 10 Tests) Benzene-0.25/a [specific] D7086896
Benzene 1-25 5-100 C6H6-1 D5086835
Benzene 5-100 C6H6-5 D5085816
Benzene 5-500 Aromatic HC D5086811
Benzene Warning Marks Aromaten-A D5085770
Bromine 0.2-3 Cl2-0.2 D5085801
Bromobenzene 30-720 Aromatic HC D5086811
Bromoethane 15-400 Trichloroethan-5 D5086834
Bromomethane 2-100 Methyl Bromid-2 D5086845
Bromomethane 200-8000 Methyl Bromid-200 D5086847
Bromomethane 20-270 Trichloroethan-5 D5086834
Bromopropane,1- 3.5-740 Trichloroethan-5 D5086834
Butadiene,1.3- 100-1200 Ethylene-50 D5086833
Butane 200-3800 Propane-200 D5086831
Butyl Alcohol Warning Marks Alcohol-A D5085773
Butyl Alcohol 150-2900 Ethanol-100 D5086818
Butyl Amine 3-36 Triethyl Amine-5 D5086816
Butyl Mercaptan 1.5-15 Ethyl Mercaptan-0.5 D5086815
Butene Warning Marks Benzin-A D5085769
Butene 100-5000 Ethylene-50 D5086833
Gas name: C
Substance Standard Range Extended Range  Tube Name Ordering Code Data Sheet MSDS
Carbon Dioxide 100-3000 CO2-100 D5086814
Carbon Dioxide 0.5-7% 0.1-7% CO2-0.1% D5085817
Carbon Dioxide 0.1-7% CO2-0.1% (200 tubes) D5085917
Carbon Dioxide 0.5-10% CO2-0.5% D5086844
Carbon Dioxide 1-20% CO2-1% ( 200 tubes) D5085941
Carbon Dioxide 1-20% CO2-1% D5085841
Carbon Dioxide 100-2000 CO2-HP D5085848
Carbon Dioxide Warning Marks CO2-A D5085758
Carbon Disulfide 10-300 2-300 CS2-2 D5085834
Carbon Monoxide 50-1000 5-1000 CO-5 D5085836
Carbon Monoxide 5-1000 CO-5(200 tubes) D5085936
Carbon Monoxide 100-3000 10-3000 CO-10 [ppm] D5085821
Carbon Monoxide 10-3000 CO-10 [ppm](200 tubes) D5085921
Carbon Monoxide 0.001-0.3% CO-10% ( 200 tubes) D5085920
Carbon Monoxide 0.01-0.3% 0.001-0.3% CO-10% D5085820
Carbon Monoxide 0.1-1% CO-0.1% D5085822
Carbon Monoxide 3000-70000 CO-3000 D5086839
Carbon Monoxide 0.3-7% CO-0.5% D5085835
Carbon Monoxide 5-70 CO-HP D5085847
Carbon Monoxide Warning Marks CO-A D5085759
Carbon Monoxide CO-Colorimetric D5086810
Carbon Monoxide in H2 8-150 CO in Hydrogen D7086890
Chlorine 0.2-30 Cl2-0.2 D5085801
Chlorine 0.25-15 1-46 ClO2-0.05 D5086812
Chlorine 50-500 Cl2-50 D5086855
Chlorine Warning Marks Cl2-A D5085757
Chlorine Dioxide 0.05-15 ClO2-0.05 D5086812
Chlorobenzene 40-610 Aromatic HC D5086811
Chlorobenzene 10-140 Chlorbenzol-10 D5093811
Chlorobenzene Warning Marks CKW-A D5085771
Chlorobromomethane 5-180 Trichloroethane-5 D5086834
Chlorobutane 5-170 Trichloroethane-5 D5086834
Chloroethane 50-800 Trichloroethane-5 D5086834
Chloropentane 5-550 Trichloroethane-5 D5086834
Chloropropane 5-220 Trichloroethane-5 D5086834
Cycloheptane 80-3300 Hexane-20 D5086832
Cyclohexane Warning Marks Benzin-A D5085769
Cyclohexane 20-3400 Hexane-20 D5086832
Cyclohexyl Amine 7-38 Triethyl Amine-5 D5086816
Cyclooctane 20-2100 Hexane-20 D5086832
Cyclopentane 80-2700 Hexane-20 D5086832
Gas name: D
Substance Standard Range Extended Range  Tube Name Ordering Code Data Sheet MSDS
Decane 50-500 Hexane-20 D5086832
Dibromoethane 25-700 Trichloroethane-5 D5086834
Dichloroethane 8-300 Trichloroethane-5 D5086834
Dichloroethane Warning Marks CKW-A D5085771
Dichloroethylene 10-600 Trichloroethane-5 D5086834
Dichloromethane 100-1000 50-1000 Dichloromethane-50 D5085823
Dichloromethane Warning Marks Dichloromethane-A D5085772 >
Dichloropropane 5-440 Trichloroethane-5 D5086834
Diethyl Amine 3-27 Triethyl Amine-5 D5086816
Dimethyl Amine 3-27 Triethyl Amine-5 D5086816
Dimethylbutane 100-4900 Hexane-20 D5086832
Dimethyl Hydrazine 0.1-3 0.5-10 Hydrazine-0.1 D5086861
Gas name: E
Substance Standard Range Extended Range  Tube Name Ordering Code Data Sheet MSDS
Ethyl Acetate 200-3000 Ethyl Acetate-200 10024253
Ethyl Alcohol Warning Marks Alcohol-A D5085773
Ethyl Alcohol 100-6000 Ethanol-100 D5086818
Ethyl Amine 4-55 Triethyl Amine-5 D5086816
Ethyl Benzene Warning Marks Aromaten-A D5085770
Ethyl Benzene 5-1800 Tol.-5 D5085828
Ethyl Mercaptan 10-100 0.5-100 Ethyl Mercaptan-0,5 D5086815
Ethylene 25-5000 Ethylene-50 D5086833
Ethylene Warning Marks Benzin-A D5085769
Ethylene Diamine 5-27 Triethyl Amine-5 D5086816
Ethylene Glycol 10-180 mg/m3 Ethylene Glycol-10 D7086887
Extraction Gasolines Qualitative BNZ-Test D5085807
Gas name: F,G



Substance Standard Range Extended Range  Tube Name Ordering Code Data Sheet MSDS
Formaldehyde 0.2-2.5 0.1-2.5 Formaldehyde-0.1 D7086862
Formic Acid 2-160 Acetic Acid-1 D5086821
Furfuryl Alcohol 170-1500 Phenol-1 D5086838
Gasoline 30-6000 Gasoline-30 D5085898
Gasoline Warning Marks BNZ-Test D5085807
Gasoline Warning Marks Gasoline-A D5086769
Gas name: H
Substance Standard Range Extended Range  Tube Name Ordering Code Data Sheet MSDS
Heptane 20-2600 Hexane-20 D5086832
Heptane Warning Marks Benzin-A D5085769
Hexane Warning Marks BNZ-Test D5085807
Hexane 20-3200 Hexane-20 D5086832
Hexane Warning Marks Benzin-A D5085769
Hydrocarbon 0.1-1.3% Hydrocarbon-0.1% D7086891
Hydrocarbon 2-24 mg/l Hydrocarbon-2 D7086888
Hydrocarbon 10-2500 Petroleum Hydrocarbon-10 D7086876
Hydrocarbon 0.2-3% Hydrogen-0.2% D7086895
Hydrogen Chloride 5-50 1-50 HCl-1 D5085846
Hydrogen Chloride 50-500 50-5000 HCl-50 D5086858
Hydrogen Chloride Warning Marks HCl-A D5085762
Hydrogen Chloride 1-50 HCl-1 ( 200 tubes) D5085946
Hydrazine 0.05-10 Hydrazine-0.1 D5086861
Hydrogen Cyanide 5-50 2-50 HCN-2 D5085824
Hydrogen Cyanide Warning Marks HCN-A D5085756
Hydrogen Flouride 5-50 1-50 HF-1 D5086830
Hydrogen Peroxide 0.1-3 H2O2-0.1 D7086880
Hydrogen Sulfide 0.1-6 H2S-0.1 10023818
Hydrogen Sulfide 1-200 H2S-1 D5085826
Hydrogen Sulfide 1-200 H2S-1(200 tubes) D5085926
Hydrogen Sulfide 10-200 1-200 H2S-1C D7086877
Hydrogen Sulfide 2-200 H2S-2M D7086882
Hydrogen Sulfide 2-600 H2S-2 D7086873
Hydrogen Sulfide 100-4000 H2S-100 D5085827
Hydrogen Sulfide 100-4000 H2S-100 ( 200 tubes) D5085927
Hydrogen Sulfide 0.1-4% H2S-0.4% D5086857
Hydrogen Sulfide 0.2-7% H2S-0.2% D7000003
Hydrogen Sulfide 0.2-7% H2S-0.2%(200 tubes) D7000903
Hydrogen Sulfide 2-40% H2S-2% D7086866
Hydrogen Sulfide Warning Marks H2S-A D5085764
Hydrogen Sulfide 0.02-0.07% 0.2-7% H2S+SO2 0.2% D7086894
Gas name: I,K,L
Substance Standard Range Extended Range  Tube Name Ordering Code Data Sheet MSDS
Isobutane 200-4200 Propane-200 D5086831
Isobutyl Amine 3-36 Triethyl Amine-5 D5086816
Isobutylene 400-2600 Ethylene-50 D5086832
Isobutyl Methyl Ketone 50-400 MEK-50 D5086837
Isooctane 100-3000 Hexane-20 D5086832
Isopropyl Amine 5-30 Triethyl Amine-5 D5086816
Isopropyl Mercapton 0.5-5.5 Ethyl Mercaptan-0.5 D5086815
Kerosine Warning Marks BNZ-Test D5085807
Kerosine Qualitative QL D5085810
Ketones Qualitative QL D5085810
Light Fuels Warning Marks BNZ D5085807
Ligroin 30-6000 Gasoline-30 D5085898
Ligroin Qualitative QL D5085810
Ligroin Warning Marks BNZ D5085807
Liquid Petroleum Gas 200-4000 Propane-200 D5086831
Liquid Petroleum Gas Qualitative QL D5085810
Gas name: M
Substance Standard Range Extended Range  Tube Name Ordering Code Data Sheet MSDS
Mercaptans 0.5-100 Ethyl Mercaptan-0.5 D5086815
Mercury 0.1-0.8 mg/m3 Hg-0.01 D5085843
Methane Warning Marks Erdgas D5086846
Methyl Alcohol 100-2350 Ethanol-100 D5086818
Methyl Alcohol 100-2500 Methyl Alcohol-100 D5094818
Methyl Alcohol Warning Marks Alcohol-A D5085773
Methyl Amine 4-55 Triethyl Amine-5 D5086816
Methyl Bromide 10-100 2-100 Methyl Bromide-2 D5086845
Methyl Bromide 200-8000 2000-20000 Methyl Bromide-200 D5086847
Methyl Bromide 2-8 0.2-8 Methyl Bromide-0.2 D7086878
Methyl Butane 50-3000 Hexane-20 D5086832
Methyl Cyclohexane 80-4900 Hexane-20 D5086832
Methyl Cyclopentane 150-3700 Hexane-20 D5086832
Methyl Ethyl Ketone 50-4000 MEK-50 D5086837
Methyl Hydrazine 0.2-4 Hydrazine-0.1 D5086861
Methyl Mercapton 0.5-5 Ethyl Mercaptan-0.5 D5086815
Methyl Methacrylate 0.2-10 Acrolein-0,1 10017882
Methyl Pentane 150-4500 Hexane-20 D5086832
Mineralic Oil[Compressor Oil] Warning Marks Oil-HP 10040887
Multigas Color Marks Multigas-I D7094870
Multigas Color Marks Multigas-IV D7094871
Gas name: N,O
Substance Standard Range Extended Range  Tube Name Ordering Code Data Sheet MSDS
Natural Gas Warning Marks Erdgas D5086846
Nitrogen Dioxide 0.5-50 NO2-0.5 D5085805
Nitrogen Dioxide 5-140 2-140 NO2-2 D5085867
Nitrous Fumes 0.5-50 Nitr-0.5 D5085818
Nitrous Fumes 5-140 2-140 Nitr-2 D5085844
Nitrous Fumes 10-300 Nit-10 D5085808
Nitrous Fumes 50-3000 Nitr-50 D5085809
Nitrous Fumes Warning Marks Nitr-A D5085760
Nitrous Fumes 0.5-50 Nitr-0.5 D5085818
Nitrous Fumes 0.2-2.5 0.2-6 Nitr-HP D5086850
NO2+NO 2.5-200 NO2-2.5 & NO-2.5 D7086863
Nonane 50-2800 Hexane-20 D5086832
Nonane Warning Marks Benzin-A D5085769
Octane 50-3000 Hexane-20 D5086832
Octane Warning Marks Benzin-A D5085769
Octane 10-2500 Petroleum Hydrocarbon-10 D7086876
Other Organic Compounds Qualitative QL D5085810
Ozone 0.5-5 0.05-5 Ozone-0.05 D5086828
Oxygen 3-24% Oxygen-3 D7086864
Gas name: P
Substance Standard Range Extended Range  Tube Name Ordering Code Data Sheet MSDS
Pentachlorethane 10-300 Trichlorethane-5 D5086834
Pentane 50-3900 Hexane-20 D5086832
Pentane Warning Marks Benzin-A D5085769
Petroleum Distillates 300-6000 30-6000 Gasoline-30 D5085898
Petroleum Distillates Qualitative QL D5085810
Petroleum Distillates Warning Marks BNZ D5085807
Petroleum Hydrocarbon(n-Octane) 10-2500 Petroleum Hydrocarbon-10 D7086876
Petroleum Ether Warning Marks BNZ D5085807
Phenol 1-15 1-25 Phenol-1 D5086838
Phosgene 1-20 0.1-20 Phosgene-0.1 D5085854
Phosgene Warning Marks Phosgene-A D5085761
Phosphine 0.1-3 0.05-3 PH3-0.05 D5085829
Phosphine 0.1-100 PH3-0.1 D5085830
Phosphine 0.1-100 PH3-0.1(200 Tubes) D5085930
Phosphine 50-2000 PH3-50 D5085831
Phosphine 50-2000 PH3-50( 200 tubes) D5085931
Propane 200-4000 Propane-200 D5086831
Propyl Alcohol 200-5000 Ethanol-100 D5086818
Propyl Alcohol Warning Marks Alcohol-A D5085773
Propyl Amine 5-30 Triethyl Amine-5 D5086816
Propyl Mercaptan 0.7-8 Ethyl-Mercaptane-0.5 D5086815
Propylene 20-5000 Ethylene-50 D5086833
Propylene Warning Marks Benzin-A D5085769
Gas name: S,T
Substance Standard Range Extended Range  Tube Name Ordering Code Data Sheet MSDS
Styrene 10-300 Styrene-10 D5086819
Sulfur Dioxide 2-30 0.5-30 SO2-1 D5085803
Sulfur Dioxide 40-200 5-200 SO2-5 D5085813
Sulfur Dioxide 500-4000 100-4000 SO2-100 D5085825
Sulfur Dioxide Warning Marks SO2-A D5085763
Sulfur Flouride 0.1-15 SF6 D5085838
Tetrabromoethane 5-200 Trichloroethane-5 D5086834
Tetrachloroethane 50-1000 Trichloroethane-5 D5086834
Tetrachloroethylene 5-200 10-500 Per-5 D5085865
Tetrachloroethylene Warning Marks CKW-A D5085771
Tetrahydrofuran 30-980 Ethanol-100 D5086818
Toluene 5-1000 Tol-5 D5085828
Toluene 25-300 30-750 Aromatic HC D5086811
Toluene Warning Marks Aromatic-A D5085770
Tribromomethane 7-200 Trichloroethane-5 D5086834
Trichloroethane 5-1500 Trichloroethane-5 D5086834
Trichloroethane 1.1.2-Trichloroethane D5094834
Trichloroethylene 20-250 5-250 Tri-5 D5085842
Trichloroethylene Warning Marks CKW-A D5085771
Trichloromethane 8-100 Trichloroethane-5 D5086834
Trichloropropane 10-1200 Trichloroethane-5 D5086834
Triethyl Amine 5-30 Triethyl Amine-5 D5086816
Trimethyl Amine 5-30 Triethyl Amine-5 D5086816
Trimethyl Pentane 100-3000 Hexane-20 D5086832
Gas name: V,W,X
Substance Standard Range Extended Range  Tube Name Ordering Code Data Sheet MSDS
Vinyl Chloride 10-200 1-70 VC-1 D5085837
Vinyl Chloride Warning Marks CKW-A D5085771
Water Vapour 5-160 mg/m3 H2O-HP[mg/m3] D5085849
Water Vapour 10-200 H2O-HP[ppm] D5085851
Water Vapour 5-200 mg/m3 H2O-HP[mg/m3] D7086872
Water Vapour 100-1000 mg/m3 H2O-MP D5086851
Water Vapour 10-100% r.h. H2O[r.h.%] D5086849
Water Vapour 1-40 mg/l H2O-1 D7086875
Water Vapour 0.1-2 mg/l H2O-0.1 D7086879
Water Vapour 3-60 lb/mmcf H2O-3 D7086892
Xylene 50-630 Aromatic HC D5086811
Xylene 10-400 Xylene-10 D7086874
Xylene 5-2500 Tol-5 D5085828
Xylene Warning Marks Aromatic-A D5085770
  • It is useful for the air monitoring at work place & confined space in Industries like:
  • Petrochemical & Refineries
  • Pharmaceutical
  • Chemical & Fertilizer
  • Fumigation
  • Food Industry
  • Pulp & Paper Mills Industries
  • Power & Steel Plants
  • Municipal Corporations
  • Environmental monitoring agencies and many more
  • Highly specific-target gas
  • Simple device
  • No requirement of complicated accessories
  • No requirement of specialist-operate
  • It is pre-calibrated and reads directly the target gas concentration
  • Available for most of the industrial toxic gases and chemical vapours

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