Uniphos-395 Breath Alcohol Analyser

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The Uniphos-395 is a handheld microcontroller-based breath alcohol analyser which delivers unmatched performance of detecting alcohol content in the blood. The analyser is equipped with an inbuilt sampling pump, enabling automatic breath sampling. The fuel cell technology used in this instrument can measure up to 500 mg/100 ml of blood or 0.500 BAC.

Uniphos has been supplying Breath Alcohol Analyzers to Indian police departments and the industry for more than 15 years now. Uniphos breath analyzers are recognized as among the fastest, most economical, reliable and easy to use equipment on the market.

  • Traffic Police 
  • Railways 
  • Hospitals 
  • Workplace 
  • Bar and Restaurants 
  • Advanced microcontroller-based technology 
  • Active/Passive sampling with fast response 
  • Detects breath alcohol level between 0 to 500 mg/100 ml of Blood or 0.000 to 0.500 BAC 
  • Wired/Wireless connectivity 
  • Sensor: Electrochemical Fuel Cell
  • Measuring Range: 0-500 mg/100 ml of blood or 0.500 BAC
  • Resolution: 1 mg/100 ml of blood or 0.001 BAC
  • Response Time: Less than 10 seconds
  • Accuracy: +/- 5 mg/100 ml at 100 mg/100 ml or +/- 0.005 BAC at 0.100 BAC
  • Sampling: Active and Passive Sampling
  • Display: LCD/ high – contrast OLED display
  • Data Storage: Can Store up to 3000 test records
  • Power Supply: 7.4V Li-ion battery
  • Connectivity: Wired, Bluetooth
  • Printer: Separate Printer, Dot Matrix /Thermal
  • Enclosure: ABS
  • Weight: 400 gm
  • Dimensions: Height = 183 mm, Width = 95 mm, Depth = 34 mm
  • Certification: Certified for operational accuracy, calibration and physical parameters by the Electronics Regional Test Laboratory (ERTL)

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