Dust Analyzer

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An optical instrument designed to measure the concentration of dust or particulate matter suspended in the exhaust gas passing through a duct, stack, or flue; typically the exhaust gas from an industrial combustion process or air filtration system. 

Dust Analyzer uses the Innovative Dynamic Detection Principle (DDP) which measures fluctuations in the intensity of a light beam, using a folded beam Transceiver /Reflector arrangement. Increased particulate density in the stack causes the scattered light intensity to increase. When calibrated against reference standards, the intensity of this signal relates directly to the particulate concentration in the stack, and this can be used to display as a reading in mg/m³. 

  • Boiler Stack
  • Thermo pack
  • Incinerator
  • Air filtration processes such as electrostatic precipitators
  • Other industrial applications with larger particle size and relatively high dust loading
  • Innovative Dynamic Detection Principle (DDP) measurement technique
  • Immune to gradual reductions in absolute intensity of the light signal so less susceptible to drift
  • Measurement reading as mg/m3
  • Rugged 316 stainless steel construction
  • Measuring Principle: Dynamic Detection Principle, DDP (Scintillation)
  • Operating Wavelength: 510 – 540 nm (green LED)
  • Measurement Reading: Concentration  (mg/m3)
  • Measuring Range:  0 – 1000 mg/m3
  • Path Length (duct diameter):  0.5 – 10 m (flange-to-flange separation)
  • Accuracy: + / – 2 %
  • Flue gas flow rate:  >= 1.0 m/s
  • Resolution:  0.1 mg/m3 (display resolution)
  • Drift with Temperature:  < +/- 0.5 %

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