Uniphos HeadSpace Analyzer

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The Uniphos Headspace Analyser is a portable analyzer, ideal for quick and accurate measurement of gases used in Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) and / or Controlled Atmosphere Packaging (CAP). The headspace analyzer helps in determining the success of CAP/ MAP packaging. It can only be used for collapsible type of packaging 

Two variants of Headspace analyzer are available: 

  • Headspace Oxygen Analyzer – To measure the concentration of just Oxygen in CAP/MAP 
  • Headspace Gas Analyzer – To measure the concentration of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide in CAP/MAP 

The analyzer comprises of a sampling probe fitted with a syringe needle which can be used to pierce the collapsible packaging. It is equipped with a diaphragm pump which enables the instrument to draw the sample air from the packaging. It is equipped with an electrochemical sensor for O2 and an NDIR sensor for CO2 to deliver the most accurate result and unmatched performance possibleThe OLED display enables the user to read the concentration levels even in the dark. 

  • Food and Beverage
  • Pharmaceutical
  • Clinical research

Features – O2

  • Portable, Battery Operated
  • Inbuilt Data Storage
  • Inbuilt Sampling Pump
  • Easy to operate and Maintain
  • Calibration with ambient air (O2 only)

Features – O2 & CO2

  • Portable, Battery Operated
  • Inbuilt Data Storage
  • Inbuilt Sampling Pump
  • Easy to operate and Maintain
  • Calibration with ambient air

Specifications – O2

  • Range: 0-100% v/v. Oxygen
  • Resolution: 0.1% v/v. Oxygen
  • Accuracy of Reading: ±2% of FSD
  • Sensor: Electrochemical Sensor
  • Sample Pump: Diaphragm Pump
  • Sampling Probe: Needle Probe with Filter, PTFE Tubing
  • Power Supply: Li-ion rechargeable battery
  • Size: L=192mm, B=106mm, H=43 mm
  • Weight: 500 gms

Specifications – O2 & CO2

  • Range: 0-100% v/v (Oxygen & CO2)
  • Resolution: 0.1% (Oxygen) & 0.2% (CO2)
  • Accuracy of Reading: ±1% of FSD (Oxygen), ±5% of FSD (CO2)
  • Sensor: Electrochemical Sensor (O2) and NDIR (CO2)
  • Sampling Assembly: Needle Probe with Filter, PTFE Tubing
  • Battery: Re-chargeable Li-ion battery pack
  • Size: L=192mm, B=106mm, H=43 mm
  • Weight: 500 gms

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    What is a headspace analyzer?

    A headspace analyzer is a valuable portable tool designed to swiftly and precisely measure gases within Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) and Controlled Atmosphere Packaging (CAP). This specialized device plays a crucial role in evaluating the effectiveness of CAP/MAP techniques employed in the packaging industry.

    By analyzing the gases present in the headspace (the air-filled area between the product and the package), the headspace analyzer offers valuable insights into the composition of the atmosphere surrounding the product. This information is vital for assessing the freshness, shelf life, and overall quality of the packaged goods.

    The headspace analyzer is particularly suited for collapsible types of packaging, where the headspace is accessible for analysis. Its portability makes it a convenient choice for on-site inspections and quality control procedures in various industries, including food, and pharmaceuticals.

    What are some of the features of a Uniphos headscape analyzer?

    The Uniphos headspace analyzer boasts a range of impressive features specifically designed to cater to your headspace analysis needs. When it comes to O2 analysis, this portable device operates with ease, running on a reliable battery-operated system. Its inbuilt data storage capability ensures that your valuable data is securely saved for future reference and analysis.

    One of the standout features is the inbuilt sampling pump, which simplifies the gas sampling process and enhances overall efficiency. The device’s user-friendly interface makes it a breeze to operate, while its straightforward maintenance requirements further add to its appeal.

    The Uniphos headscape analyzer offers the convenience of calibrating with ambient air for O2 analysis, making the calibration process seamless and hassle-free. If you’re looking to analyze both O2 and CO2, you can count on the same portable and battery-operated functionality, along with inbuilt data storage and sampling pump.

    What are the advantages of using a headspace analyzer?

    Headspace analyzer comes in two variants; one measures O2 while the other assesses both O2 and CO2. Its primary advantage includes it’s portable, battery-operated, built-in data storage, and its simplicity to use. The OLED display is also a notable advantage that shows gas levels clearly, even in the dark, ensuring its usability across different settings. The ambient air calibration further makes it easier to maintain.

    It has a needle to pierce the package and a pump to draw air for analysis. It is capable of quickly and accurately measure gas concentrations in packaging, ensuring the effectiveness of the CAP/MAP packaging methods. Please note that it can only be used for collapsible type of packaging, i.e. flexible packaging types that can be compressed while maintaining a seal.

    Are there any safety considerations when using a headspace analyzer?

    Safety is paramount when utilizing a headspace analyzer especially within Controlled Atmosphere Packaging (CAP) or Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) procedures. Headspace analyzers being equipped with a syringe needle for piercing, necessitates careful handling to prevent accidental injuries. 

    Additionally, the analyzer’s functionality relies on accurate measurement of gases, which, if mishandled, could compromise the packaging aspects. Also, maintaining the device properly to ensure its functionality and reliability could also be part of safety considerations to prevent any mishaps during its operation.

    What parameters can be measured by a headspace analyzer?

    The Uniphos Headspace Analyzer is designed to measure gas concentrations within packaging, a process crucial for Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) and Controlled Atmosphere Packaging (CAP) to ensure product quality and safety. It comes in two variants: the Headspace Oxygen Analyzer, which measures the oxygen levels only and the Headspace Gas Analyzer which measures both oxygen and carbon dioxide levels. 

    This equipment utilizes a special needle to pierce the packaging, drawing a sample of the gas inside using a built-in pump. The gases are then measured using electrochemical  and NDIR sensors, providing precise readings displayed on the OLED screen. The analyzer is used in food and beverage, pharmaceuticals and clinical research verticals where monitoring gas levels in packaging is essential in quality control.